Sociodemographic Determinants of Expenditure on Soft Drinks among Households in Malaysia




consumption, expenditure, households, sociodemographic factors, soft drinks


High consumption of soft drinks can lead to various chronic diseases, most notably, diabetes and heart disease. The objective of the present study is to examine sociodemographic factors associated with consumption expenditure on soft drinks among households in Malaysia. Data from the Malaysia Household Expenditure Survey (n = 52,671) were used for secondary analysis. The dependent variable was monthly household expenditure on soft drinks. The independent variables were age, gender, education, marital status, region, income and ethnicity. The present study used a two-part model to estimate factors affecting consumption and amount decisions of soft drinks. Results showed that age, gender, education, marital status, region, income and ethnicity were associated with consumption of soft drinks. Having household heads aged more than 30 years decreased the likelihood of consuming soft drinks. Soft drinks expenditure was positively associated with being married, the middle-income group, Chinese ethnicity and low-education levels. In conclusion, household expenditure on soft drinks is closely correlated with a wide range of sociodemographic factors. Findings from the present study can assist policymakers in developing a more effective approach that focuses on decreasing household consumption of soft drinks.

Author Biography

Yong Kang Cheah, Universiti Utara Malaysia

School of Economics, Finance and Banking




How to Cite

Sa'adun, S. H., Cheah, Y. K., & Md Salleh, M. F. (2024). Sociodemographic Determinants of Expenditure on Soft Drinks among Households in Malaysia. International Journal of Innovation and Business Strategy (IJIBS), 19(2), 1–14.