Knowledge Sharing at the Workplace: Challenges and Way Forward


  • Alia Umayrah Mohammad Yusoff
  • Fatin Nadhirah Mohammad Fadzli Student
  • Maria Atikah Abdul Rahman
  • Puteri Nurafiqah Mohd Fadli
  • Fadilah Puteh Department Master of Corporate Administration, Universiti Teknologi Mara.



Knowledge, Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge Gap, Sharing knowledge, Workplace, Challenges


The study aimed to examine challenges and the way forward regarding knowledge sharing in the workplace. Two main themes have been identified to provide a deeper understanding of the topic. Further observation and analysis of these main themes have led to the development of four sub-themes for this research. This systematic review article focuses on knowledge sharing, its challenges and articles related to workplace topics. Reporting Standards for Systematic Evidence Syntheses (ROSES) are utilised in this study. The articles selected for this systematic review were retrieved from databases, namely Scopus and Web of Science (WoS), and were published between 2020 and 2024. Out of the 398 articles identified, a total of 13 articles were systematically analysed. From the analysis of these articles, two main themes and four sub-themes emerged: 1) Knowledge Hiding: Physiological Hindrance and Leader Influence; 2) Organizational Culture: Leadership Effectiveness and Employee Innovation. 




How to Cite

Mohammad Yusoff , A. U., Mohammad Fadzli, F. N., Abdul Rahman, M. A., Mohd Fadli, P. N., & Puteh, F. (2024). Knowledge Sharing at the Workplace: Challenges and Way Forward. International Journal of Innovation and Business Strategy (IJIBS), 19(1), 74–88.